Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Safdie Architects' Mixed-use complex in Chongqing, China

A new project from Safdie Architects, headed by practice founder and esteemed architect Moshe Safdie. The 10 million sq ft mixed-use complex will be located right on the waterfront at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers and is spearheaded by developers CapitaLand, CapitaMalls Asia, and Singbridge. 

The two larger columns will be home to serviced residences, a hotel, private residential units, and commercial space while the four shorter towers will be fully residential. A garden bridge linking the four central columns will offer stunning views both towards the city and across the rivers, and will be the central location for the complex’s restaurants and hotel lobby.In total the scheme is due to cost $3.1bn and will be another shimmering symbol of China’s rapid architectural progress over the past few years.
