Saturday, October 20, 2007

Aspirational architecture

SoDa studios set new benchmark in live/work design SoDa Studios is setting an example to other parts of London as to how live/work projects should be designed and built.
Aimed at regenerating city areas, these kinds of projects generally succeed in attracting young and aspirational workers. A key element of SoDa Studios has been ensuring that the design appeals to bona fide live/workers. The most important aspects are space, and a layout which draws a distinct line between the domestic and professional usage. SoDa Studios achieves this by giving each unit considerably more square feet than in comparable developments, with the majority of units providing split level accommodation with the work areas located at entrance level. Through this segmentation of space, a clear division of use can be achieved. This being the case, plans for SoDa Studios include 46 live/work apartments as well as commercial space. Investland is also in talks to bring restaurants, bars and even a hotel to the area. Because of its central London location, Hackney has proven to be a popular destination for live/workers in recent years, fostering an artistic population that has thrived on being able to combine studio work space and home in one property.
Thinking Space Ltd



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